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Frequently Asked Questions

How big are the printed photos?

The photos are standard 6x4 prints but you can choose whether your guests receive a single 6x4 image or whether they want up to 4 images on that print.


Can our prints be personalised?

Yes! This is part of the service – we can add a logo or message to your prints free of charge!


How many prints can we have during the period of hire?

There is no limit to the number of prints.


We would like to charge per print – how much can we charge?

The amount you charge per print is up to you and we would agree a set fee in advance taking into consideration the hire price.

Do we have to have colour prints?

No we have the option to print in black & white and colour.

How long does it take to set up?

We usually leave around an hour to set up the Magic Mirror and to clear away around 30 minutes.


Do you provide staff with the Magic Mirror?

Usually yes but it depends on the package – remember this is completely customisable experience depending on your personal requirements.

What do you need from us?

All we need is a firm surface to put the Magic Mirror, with around 2x3 metres floor space and a standard electrical power socket within a few metres from this spot. But in our experience the more space we have available, the more use the mirror will get as people will be more relaxed in their environment!


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